Start a Conversation
Reach out via email. You’ll get a timely response (unless it’s a holiday). So go ahead and email Damien, the owner of iKANDE directly today.
Virtual Meeting
No commute time and super safe. Schedule a virtual meeting now with iKANDE's owner!Just 2 Quick Steps
With multiple times available on the calendar, just compare your schedule to Damien’s here . Then pick a date/time for a video chat.
Sometimes you just need a real live person. Give us a call today!Hello There!
We’re open Mon-Thurs 9:30a-5p & Fri 9:30a–12noon. 302-727-0071 Please state your full name, best number and a detailed message if you leave voice mail.

We’d Love to Learn More About You & Your Project!
Fill in the form or schedule a video conference call with Damien, owner of iKANDE, here. Meetings are by appointment only.
Phone: 302.727.0071